Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Eve of RootsTech

Tomorrow is the big day! RootsTech.
Salt Lake City is crawling with genealogists. Today after attending the Association of Professional Genealogists Professional Management Conference, I headed down to the lobby of the Radisson where it was held and lo and behold, it was full of GeneaBloggers I actually "knew." At least virtually. Now I know them personally. Linda McCauley, Elise Doerflinger, Footnote Maven, Russ Worthington, Denise Levenick, Tim Firkowski had lots of laughs trying to "Bump" our smart phones with varying degrees of success.

It seems like everywhere I turn there's someone I know and everyone is extremely friendly. Can't wait for tomorrow!

© 2012, copyright Michelle Goodrum


  1. The foyer was deserted by the time I returned from the Bloggers' dinner - wish I had been earlier to meet you.
    Hopefully we'll catch up soon.

  2. Right now my plan is to attend thursday steve morse, mark lowe, evernote and your galaxy girls presentations. Looking forward to meeting you.

  3. Well, I am feeling like I missed out! - Perhaps I can encourage hubby to go salmon fishing in Alaska so I can go to RootsTech next year!
