Being that it was a fairly nice day (historical weather data bears out my memories), my bedroom window was open and I heard a car drive into the driveway. I would've had to stand on something to see out my bedroom window and I can't recall what that was but it's possible I crawled in my cradle and stood up on that. By the time I looked out the window, my mom was getting out of the car with this little bundle in her arms. Naturally I was very excited. After all my mommy was home!
Later I remember getting my first look at Sibling and Mom telling me to be very careful.
Amy Coffin's series, 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History is a series of blogging prompts that "invite genealogists and others to record memories and insights about their own lives for future descendants."
© 2011, copyright Michelle Goodrum
I was almost 7 when my brother was born. I remember wanting a sister so, so badly and when my dad arrived at the school while I was eating lunch to tell me I had a baby brother, I stuck my tongue out and said "YUCK". Funny what we remember :-)