Sunday, January 8, 2012

21COFH - In Which I Totally Embarass Myself

Artwork from

Last week I promised a Bonus Post. It was written and scheduled. Only I forgot to push the Publish button. After the hubub of getting kids on their respective flights to college yesterday (with luggage under the allowed weight limit. Yeah, that was a challenge. LOL), it dawned on me that there had been no comments on said Bonus Post. Nothing. So this morning I started to wonder...and when I sat down to write up this week's posts, discovered it was still sitting there under Drafts. Sigh... I hate it when I forget to push the Publish button. Please forgive me.

So if you haven't already seen it, here's 21 Resources for Organizing the Family Archive.

How's that for organization? Sarcasm intended.

© 2011, copyright Michelle Goodrum


  1. SIGH, well, I have not decided if I hate NOT publishing or hitting the button without presetting a date that is a week away and having the post go live early. SIGH

    We all forgive ya! :-))

  2. Michelle, your in good company. I routinely, keep a supply of posts written for publishing for a meme for example - then decide on a date then click draft instead of post. Worse, is that i know I do it & still do it!

  3. You've just convinced me there is a chance of following along! It is a great list. Melissa Mannion's book was on my Christmas wish list but Santa forgot. Off to be my own elf.

  4. Susan, Yeah! You will enjoy Melissa's book.

  5. OMG Michelle, I can totally relate. Relax, you're not alone. Congrats on getting the kids off! Great list of resources--I'll have to spend some time checking them out.
